So a few new people have had a crack at my SD300 bikepacking loop. First off was John White, I was amazed when he broke the 24 hour barrier with his 23 hours and 40 minutes.
Then along comes Charlie Holden with a rather bonkers 21 hours 14 minutes, though from the picture it looks like that was hard earned!
Well done guys, awesome efforts, why not get out there and have a go at part or all of it? You may see some bits of Sussex you haven’t before!
The SD 300 looks a fab route. Great effort to come up with it and am sure you put a lot of time into it.
A mate, Matt, spotted it last week and he and I are going to ride it starting on sunday morning from Worthing. We have ridden the SDW a few times and I have done quite a few routes round Lewes but a good chunk of this is going to be new to us so really looking forward to it. Forecast currently looks good ……….Thought about a bivvy but decided to each carry a one man tent , for practice as much as anything , as we bought the tents last year in preparation for riding the Scottish Roam ride due to have taken place in May of this year. Cancelled of course! Matt is great at taking photos and so will send you a link to the flickr he is bound to put together. Thanks again for being so generous to share the route. Will report back.
Awesome, I hope you have a great time, I was on some of the route yesterday and conditions were OK, so hopefully it’s not too muddy for you.
we had a great 3 days. It is a superb route. You clearly put a lot of time into this and it shows. Nice amount of single track even! Your local knowledge showed.
We had a late start and this combined with us making it into a tour of visiting local points of interest on or close to the route, like ancient yews, old churches, castles and so on and talking to people we met along the way , meant we did not finish the whole thing. We covered 80 kms the first day and 90kms each of the second and third. We shall definitely be back next year , probably riding mountain bikes next time, and carrying less gear. This time we were trying out camping and cold weather gear for a Scottish trip next year. I see that you are a Norm /Bear Bones devotee or WRT thing at least. We have ridden BB a number of times, i have done it 4 times I think. Always an entertaining outing.
One of my mates takes lots of v good photos. We will send you a link in case you are interested.
all the best
As Nick said, Thank you very much for a great route. Was a bit harder than I expected. Was assuming progress would be similar to SDW, but there was a lot more to see and it felt like more to climb. Will be back in the summer probably with an MTB.
Lots of photos:
Awesome, I’m glad you enjoyed it, great pictures too.